Instructions to server usage

Instructions to server usage

X.-Z. CHEN, 24/05/2024, EIT, Ningbo

Server Python environment setting

Basic setting

  • get the suitable version of anaconda, here python3.8, and then install it in your target folder
    chmod +x
  • if unix system don’t link anaconda, then we should link the path by ourselves

    cd /home/username/.bashrc
    export PATH=/home/anaconda3/bin:$PATH
  • here, we can install the packages (i.e., pyx and kwant for me) by the ‘conda’ or ‘pip’ package magnager

  1. tight-binding (pybinding,pyqula)
    conda install -c conda-forge pybinding
    pip3 install --upgrade pyqula
  2. quantum transport (Kwant,tkwant)
    conda install tkwant -c conda-forge
    pip3 install kwant
  3. topological invariant
    pip3 install pfapack
  4. data plotting (pyx)

    pip3 install pyx
    pip3 install pdf2image
  5. Install ‘MUMPS’ (optional), using conda environment, comda-forge/packages/mumps

    conda install conda-forge::mumps
    conda install conda-forge/label/cf201901::mumps
    conda install conda-forge/label/cf202003::mumps
    conda install conda-forge/label/gcc7::mumps

    if you are failed to install this package, just try the command lines one-by-one.

Basic instructions to SLURM

Here are some quiet good tutorials

One-line code operation in server usage

The related file (rar format) can be found in Group Source store: caltest.rar. The all files are
All files in caltest.rar

1. generating calculation programs: python

cd to your path, and run the fisrt one-line code.

Before run the code, you should generate the right (if you need some help, please contact X.-Z. CHEN)

Then you can try
First one-line code used to generate the calculation programs

2. submiting your programs: bash

cd to the path, and run the second one-line code as follows:

Second one-line code used to submit programs

To check if you have submit your program successfully, us squaeue

Check your tasks' status

3. dealing your data: python

cd to the path, and run the third one-line code as follows:

Third one-line code used to deal data

if you have done all the procedures right, you will get the data as the yellow square includes.

In priciple, it’s enough to deal your calculation tasks through this simple batch submission procedures, enjoying calculating!
